Solar for Farming
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40% grant available for Pig & Poultry Farms who invest in Solar PV (Photovoltaic), Solar Thermal and other energy saving technologies.
13th of August, 2015 – Minister Coveney Announces Launch of New €17M Pig & Poultry Scheme Under TAMS II
40% Grant aid will only be paid on approved, completed and eligible expenditure and shall be paid up to the applicable maximum investment ceiling of €80,000 per holding. The minimum amount of investment which is eligible for approval under this Scheme is €2,000 per application.
Download the Department of Agriculture Information HERE
With 10 years of industry experience, Clean Energy Ireland is well equipped to provide you with a turn-key solution. Solar PV/Thermal in commercial applications would normally have an acceptable payback of 7-8 years –without any supports! This EU-Government support improves the payback to 4-5year.
1. No moving parts,
2. No maintenance (unless Panels need cleaning),
3. Long warranties, 10 year+,
4. No concerns during high wind.
How to apply?
Instructions for registration can be found online at or you can contact agfood online services helpline in the Department’s Portlaoise office Locall 1810252118 or 0761 064424 or email
The following documents must be submitted in support of your application:
- Copies of drawings and farm building layout plan as per paragraph (5.3);
- Farmyard layout plan;
- A copy of a company’s Companies
- Registration Office Certificate and Memorandum and Articles of Association;
- In certain cases an engineer’s report (as per paragraph 5.3(c) of Scheme conditions*.
The following documents must be submitted in support of your claim for payment
- Evidence of completion of Teagasc Farm Safety Code of Practice or equivalent;
- Evidence of ownership of land (copy of folio and maps) for each site. If registration has not been completed, copy of stamped Deed of Transfer and Property Registration Authority dealing number;
- Evidence of leasehold title (copy of valid lease including maps) for each site;
- Marriage Certificate in the case of a lease to a spouse;
- Receipts and bank statement if requested (8.1);
- Tax Clearance Certificate (10.2);
- Contractors Tax Clearance Certificate. (10.1);
- Quality certificates (Electrical, Slats, Concrete, Protection of Steel work, CE certificates, Welding Cert etc).
We believe in providing our customers with industry leading quality on all of the products that we install at Clean Energy Ireland.
All of our Solar Panels have been laboratory tested and awarded NSAI Agrement Certification. You can rest assured that any panel you have installed provides the highest levels of safety, durability and quality.
Other Certification:
- EN 61215,
- CE Certified (EN 61730),
- MCS 010-1.5, MCS 005-2.3,
- EN ISO 9001 & 14001.
*See NSAI Certificate 18/0395 for a full range of panel types and properties.

Download our NSAI Agrement Certificate
Get in contact with a member of our team to find out more about the benefits of Solar PV for farming.